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Every woman needs to care about her reproductive health. A uterus is an organ which plays an essential role in the childbearing and menstruation. Any problem in the uterus affects your reproductive health. It is possible to gauze any problems in the uterus with the help of hysteroscopy surgery. Hysteroscopy surgery in the form of minimal invasive form surgery. In hysteroscopy, a small tube-like thing is inserted inside your uterus. It has a camera on one end which allows the doctor to look inside the uterus for any abnormalities.

An operative hysteroscopy is done usually after diagnostic hysteroscopy. It is done to correct and heal abnormal lesions or developments in the uterus. To do operative hysteroscopy, a surgeon will insert a small instrument with a hysteroscope. This is done to perform surgeries. Any surgery done through operative hysteroscopy makes very little incisions. This makes it a very safe surgery to correct various uterus ailments.

It is mostly used for:

1. Polyps - This is also known as fibroid. A Polyp is an abnormal growth which looks like small and flat mushroom-like stalks. It is generally benign meaning non-cancerous in nature. In hysteroscopy surgery, a hysteroscope will be inserted in the uterus through the cervix. This tool will remove the tumour without damaging the uterus.

2. Septal resection - It is an ideal surgery to remove, heal and correct the malformed uterus. In septal resection, a hygroscope is inserted in a vaginal opening through the uterus. The camera inside the hygroscope helps the surgeons in removing the separate uterus.

It is more beneficial than open surgery. There is a very little blood loss. As the incision is small the recovery is quicker. It makes the uterus normal.

3. Synechiolysis - In this condition, your periods become irregular. This increases the risk of miscarriages and infertility. In synechiolysis, the uterus will be lined with partial or full adhesions.

It is beneficial as after this menstruation becomes normal.

4. Myomectomy - This is surgery for removing the fibroids from the uterus. A doctor would use the scope to remove the fibroid. It is removed via the vagina and cervix.

It is beneficial as after this, women will have relief from heavy menstrual bleeding and pelvic pain.

These are optimum surgeries to preserve the woman's uterus. Women can have normal periods and pregnancy after this.


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